Collection and digitization of data for non-financial reporting

We will set up automated data collection and processing for non-financial reporting and managerial decision-making

Non-financial reporting entails the need to work with a large amount of diverse data. With the help of digitalization, we will prepare non-financial reporting for you in such a way that it is affordable and, above all, requires minimal effort from you.

We can help you identify all relevant ESG data, source databases and information systems that you have today. We integrate all relevant data and collect it into a single “data lake”, automating the entire process to the appropriate extent and providing you with online retrieval. In the case of data obtained from the holding structure (from subsidiaries) and from third parties (suppliers, customers, business partners, etc.), we will establish a reliable and secure channel for their collection.

We will then help you set up roles, responsibilities and workflow, including tracking the fulfillment of KPIs. We will make the data available in reporting tools and in a user-friendly analytical interface, which we can adapt to specific standards and evaluation metrics and in particular prepare them for regular non-financial reporting and fulfillment of ESG KPIs.